Portland chinese school
Portland Chinese School is a self-supporting, non-profit organization. The primary focus of the PCS curriculum is on reading and writing traditional Chinese characters as used in Taiwan. It is expected that students already understand and can speak at least some spoken Mandarin Chinese. Portland Chinese School has no political or religious affiliations.
Portland Chinese School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.
波特蘭中文學校 (PCS) 是一所自負盈虧的教育類非營利組織,波特蘭中文學校是一個教育類非營利組織, 本校教授繁體中文致力於中文的閱讀和書寫的能力的提升。我們希望藉由學習的過程來提升學生的中文聽說讀寫的能力, 更鼓勵所有學生能在生活中靈活運用中文。本校是一所沒有任何政治立場或宗教信仰的學校。波特蘭中文學校不允許對於人種、膚色、國家和族裔的歧視,本校公開招收任何人種、膚色、國家和族裔的學生,所有學生都享有學校所有的權利、待遇、獎助計畫和活動。
School Hours 上課時間:
Sundays 星期日 2:00PM-4:50PM
After School Activities 課後活動:
School Location 學校地點:
PSU Cramer Hall 3rd Fl.
1721 SW Broadway, Portland, OR 97201
Email 電子郵件: pcs_staff@googlegroups.com
Phone 電話: (503) 564-8720
Your Donations are appreciated!
Please consider making a Donation to PCS!
Portland Chinese School is classified as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization by the standards of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Therefore, your donation may be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the law.
Donations could be 100% matched by Intel, Nike or any other company that participates in Benevity, see if your company participates to further help our school.
We currently don’t accept credit card payments. Hopefully down the line we can figure out how to make donations easier. Thank you for your patience.
For now, please send your donations via Zelle, check, or cash.
您所有的捐款可以100% 符合 如 Intel, Nike或其他公司有志工獎勵方案的福利,您的公司也會因為您的加入,額外捐款贊助我們中文學校。
請您可以使用Zelle, 支票, 或 現金來做捐款。
Please Zelle your donations to: pcs.staff.treasure@gmail.com
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) / 問與答
What grade should my child enroll in? / 我的孩子該去哪一個年級?
First, each grade has a minimum age requirement.
Second, the students will be assigned to the grade that best suits his Chinese level.
For students that can speak Mandarin but can’t read Chinese characters, they should enroll in either the Intro grade or the 1st grade, depending on whether they have learned Bopomofo or not.
For students that can both speak Mandarin and read Chinese characters, they will be assigned based on the results of the placement test. Please contact the academic director (pcs.staff.academic@gmail.com) for details.
My children are 8 and 10 years old, would they be too old? / 我的孩子一個八歲一個十歲,去中文學校會不會年紀太大?
It depends. If their Chinese levels are not high enough, they will be assigned to classes with younger classmates. The students will need to adapt to the curriculum that are designed for younger kids. If they learn very well and are willing to study the next grade material at home over the summer. They can skip the next grade and go to the grade beyond it next year (after placement test)
不一定。 如果學生的中文程度偏低,他們會被分配到平均年齡較低的班級,學生必須要能適應為年紀較小學生設計的課程。如果他們學習良好而且願意在暑假自修課程的話,他們明年可以在通過檢定考試後,跳過次一年級而進入更高年級。。
We predominantly speak Cantonese at home, but the kids have a basic understanding of Mandarin. Will that be an issue? / 我們主要的語言是粵語,但我家孩子聽得懂基本的普通話,這樣學中文會造成問題嗎?
As long as someone at home can practice Mandarin with the students and guide them through the homework with Chinese characters, it won’t be a big issue. We have quite several students from Cantonese speaking families that learn very well in our schools, even better than their native-Mandarin-speaking classmates. Support from the parents will be especially important in this case.
What age groups do you cater to? / 你們接受什麼年紀的學生?
We offer classes for K-12 students..
What are the class sizes? / 請問班級多寡?
Our class sizes are small (5-12) to ensure personalized attention and effective learning.
How much is tuition? / 請問學費多少?
Please refer to our Tuition page.
What does Volunteering entail? / 請問志工服務是什麼意思?
Every family needs to volunteer to keep PCS operational and to receive a full refund of deposit at the end of the school year. Each year, each family will need to earn 28 points.
家長參與志工活動對我們學校是很重要的,因為有你們的參與學校才能持續運作及讓家長更了解學校的公共事務,本校有志工獎勵方案。例如:志工家長若志工時數加總有28 點,當學年結束時即可得到志工押金退費。
Sample Volunteer Opportunities :
Classroom Representative 各班班代
Event Judge 評審
Classroom Audit 教學評鑑
Bell Ringer, Safety Patrol 搖鈴,走廊安全巡邏
If we are transferring from a different school, how do we find the correct grade in this school? 轉學生要怎麼選擇班級就讀?
Transferring students will first need to read the textbooks used by our school to estimate their suitable grade levels. Then they need to take the placement test to confirm their levels. Please contact the academic director (pcs.staff.academic@gmail.com) for details.